Thank you to our friends at Kulpmont 100 for your support! Each year a wine fest…
Thank you to our friends at Kulpmont 100 for your support! Each year a wine festival is held, with proceeds going to Camp Dost, our summer camp for pediatric cancer patients. Kulpmont 100, Kulmont Knights of
Columbus, Union Local 158 Business Agent, Trumbull Corporation, the Laborers District Council of Eastern PA, Central PA Building and Construction Trades Council, the Operating Engineers of IUOE Local 542, and the Workers of Heavy and Highway Construction Local 158 contributed to the event. We are grateful for your kindness!Pictured: Mike Turlis, RMHD Executive Director, Kulpmont 100 Members, Joe Meyer, Tom Letcavage, Mike Susnoski, Rich Chesney, Dave Shinskie, and Jeff Gilotti